Since 2012 I’ve been on the road again, living “one day and one dream at a time”. Still, every day is a study in the art of living well. Not until recently did I learn that my new way of life (which originally was actively resisted) follows ancient Ikigai philosophy. The origins of Ikigai are in Okinawa, Japan, where elders are the healthiest on earth. Even at 100 they are often still active and living independently, and they die of old age, not heart disease, not dementia, not diabetes, not addiction and not cancer. They were born in the age of zero prenatal nutrition. The first 60 years or so of their lives were before modern medicine existed. They take zero supplements. In addition to their uncomplicated plant based diet built around sweet potato, soy tofu and vegetables (;ow in calories and fat, high in carbohydrates) Okinawans prize time spent outdoors, forest bathing, in silence, and in onsen. All of these elements were intentionally woven into the fabric of Japanese culture to create lasting health and happiness.
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